yes. of course :)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mama's Birthday Party :)
We all celebrate birthday party mama last saturday. Acu and Ateh came , and as usual , KFC and pizza and birthday cake ( Fruity Heaven ) . Yummy-licious! :) . Mama got a new phone Blackberry for her bday present from us . hihi . so , sekarang dah 3 orang pakai BB , when's my turn ? hehe :D
We all celebrate birthday party mama last saturday. Acu and Ateh came , and as usual , KFC and pizza and birthday cake ( Fruity Heaven ) . Yummy-licious! :) . Mama got a new phone Blackberry for her bday present from us . hihi . so , sekarang dah 3 orang pakai BB , when's my turn ? hehe :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Playtime !
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Hari ni ada 2 wedding , 1 ank kwn mama dkt Kuala Selangor.. and student mama dekat Klang. Hurhhh. lama betul nak sampai sampai 3 kali tidur. haha. Semua pergi except abg wan , mcm biasa tak ikut. haha :D
Art for Nature Festival
Yesterday , my cousin's , Abg Kadir , Sis Lisa and Nad datang KL cause ade event dekat Aswara this Saturday and Sunday. So , they publish their artwork infront of sketchbooks and postcards they wanna sell..
I went there too.. have fun with them and took LRT , KTM , Monorail .. all public transport for today.. :)
These are several pictures for today :D
Yesterday , my cousin's , Abg Kadir , Sis Lisa and Nad datang KL cause ade event dekat Aswara this Saturday and Sunday. So , they publish their artwork infront of sketchbooks and postcards they wanna sell..
I went there too.. have fun with them and took LRT , KTM , Monorail .. all public transport for today.. :)
These are several pictures for today :D
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
IAM home and IAM happy !

Salam 1 MALAYSIA . (semangat je ,hehe )
Yeahhh! iam home for 1 month semester break .. ! miss my family so muchhh! huhu. :)
and bila dah ada kat rumah , as usual , kemas rumah , sidai kain , lipat kain macam dulu. hehe :D
Miss my friends too. Nak jumpe korang semuaaa ! wuaaa!
That day , jaga adam and aziz .. main game laptop , sleep , eat , sleep , eat... and after that sleep again . haha! erm. what's next? * going to Midvalley with my twin sis on Friday and eat at Carl's Jr and Charles&Keith or going to Ikea with mama and twin sis on Sunday ..hehehe , that's what i do before i go to UiTM , and for this semester break ....its gonna start all over again as usual , jyeahhh! haha !
and bila dah ada kat rumah , as usual , kemas rumah , sidai kain , lipat kain macam dulu. hehe :D
Miss my friends too. Nak jumpe korang semuaaa ! wuaaa!
That day , jaga adam and aziz .. main game laptop , sleep , eat , sleep , eat... and after that sleep again . haha! erm. what's next? * going to Midvalley with my twin sis on Friday and eat at Carl's Jr and Charles&Keith or going to Ikea with mama and twin sis on Sunday ..hehehe , that's what i do before i go to UiTM , and for this semester break ....its gonna start all over again as usual , jyeahhh! haha !
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Trip to Kuching :)

Top Spot ( Taman Kereta )

Cat Museum

The Spring Mall
Friday , 12112010
Woke up at 7 a.m and get ready nak ke Airport jumpe my twin sis and bro. At 10.20 a.m they arrived . Iam so happy that time . Long time no see . :D Rent a car and went to the Spring for lunch . I ate beef hot plate. Yummy ! After that checked - in at Lime Tree Hotel . Same hotel with Ellis Arshad . heee :D
That night we went dinner at TOP SPOT. woow! so many seafood i ate that night and totally full. That night also we watched Mean Girls movie. Sleept early cause we had plan for tomorrow. :)
Saturday , 13112010
Only me and sis Noreen went for breakfast downstairs because its only for two. Sis Nora and bro Wan ate breakfast too .The first place we went is Museum . Art museum and Museum Sarawak . We ate KFC for lunch and after that went to Indian Street , just looking around. :) . Our last trip for today went to Cat Museum and totally tired that day.
At night , we went to Pasar Malam at Satok and had dinner there. That is my first time I tasted mee kolok . Not that special . For me it just like a regular maggi with soup. Only the name makes people so interested , maybe :P
For today , Sunday 14112010 , our last day . We want to try take a boat and go to Kek Lapis shop , across the river and go shopping for the last time for now. haha :D
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Old friend of mine :)
One day my old friend text me some questions .
She : Lala , hey, how are you now ? hw's swak?
Me : Hey u . Iam good as usual .hhaha. so far so good. u ? hws ur study ?
She: okay , thats good. yeahh. sometime good sometime bad. haha. dah dinner?
Me : haha. okay.. dinner dah. u ? u diet ke ? mcm dah kurus je? hahha.
She: eyh , xlahhh. i exercise je lahhh.
Me: yeke ?? okay. bagus lahhh. u asthma rite?
She: yeahhlaaa. bile lah nak baik lala oiii. so , dah cari BF baru ??
* What the what tibe2 tukar topic *
Me : haaa? hahaha. complicated sungguh nak bermadah ni. haha
She: sejak bile plak u pandai nak bermadah2 ni? hehe. okay2 . tell me.
Me: haha. kalau boleh lah kan , nak cari perfect guy. wakaka. i bkn perfect pun, but i think i nak yang macam Jacob Black . bolehh ? haha.
She : haha. eyh , u tau x kat campus i ade sorang guy ni mcm Jacob? serious .woooo. budak sains sukan. gile tegap kot. eyh , i rase die mcm sesuai dgn u lahh. haha.
Me : really . Oh myyyyyyy. grrr. haha. kenape plak? hihihi :P
She : haha. perasan . xlah . sbb kwn2 die pgl die Lala jgk tau. serious.
Me : laaaaaaaaaaaa. tu je ke. igt ade persamaan lain ke. hahah. mcm kelakar je lelaki pgl die mcm tu?
She : hahaha. cause he's gay .
Me : weiii. baik tak payah cite lahh kalau die gay. hahaha.
She : haha. u kan boleh tukar die jadi lelaki biasa. woot woot . haha.
Me : gile lah u ni. kang i tukar jadi lembut sangat pulak. wakaka.
She : ewww. jgn nak perasan sgt lahhhh lala. ok , gtg nw. my Jacob nak bwk keluar. daaaa~~ tc. bye :)
Me : oklaahhh mak cik. :D bye. ;)
conclusion : ssh nak cari BF mcm Jacob ni. haha.
One day my old friend text me some questions .
She : Lala , hey, how are you now ? hw's swak?
Me : Hey u . Iam good as usual .hhaha. so far so good. u ? hws ur study ?
She: okay , thats good. yeahh. sometime good sometime bad. haha. dah dinner?
Me : haha. okay.. dinner dah. u ? u diet ke ? mcm dah kurus je? hahha.
She: eyh , xlahhh. i exercise je lahhh.
Me: yeke ?? okay. bagus lahhh. u asthma rite?
She: yeahhlaaa. bile lah nak baik lala oiii. so , dah cari BF baru ??
* What the what tibe2 tukar topic *
Me : haaa? hahaha. complicated sungguh nak bermadah ni. haha
She: sejak bile plak u pandai nak bermadah2 ni? hehe. okay2 . tell me.
Me: haha. kalau boleh lah kan , nak cari perfect guy. wakaka. i bkn perfect pun, but i think i nak yang macam Jacob Black . bolehh ? haha.
She : haha. eyh , u tau x kat campus i ade sorang guy ni mcm Jacob? serious .woooo. budak sains sukan. gile tegap kot. eyh , i rase die mcm sesuai dgn u lahh. haha.
Me : really . Oh myyyyyyy. grrr. haha. kenape plak? hihihi :P
She : haha. perasan . xlah . sbb kwn2 die pgl die Lala jgk tau. serious.
Me : laaaaaaaaaaaa. tu je ke. igt ade persamaan lain ke. hahah. mcm kelakar je lelaki pgl die mcm tu?
She : hahaha. cause he's gay .
Me : weiii. baik tak payah cite lahh kalau die gay. hahaha.
She : haha. u kan boleh tukar die jadi lelaki biasa. woot woot . haha.
Me : gile lah u ni. kang i tukar jadi lembut sangat pulak. wakaka.
She : ewww. jgn nak perasan sgt lahhhh lala. ok , gtg nw. my Jacob nak bwk keluar. daaaa~~ tc. bye :)
Me : oklaahhh mak cik. :D bye. ;)
conclusion : ssh nak cari BF mcm Jacob ni. haha.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sayonara Gading 2 ~
Today , haha. kelakar lahh. seriously . Bangun2 je dengan kelam kabutnye pergi toilet , siap2 pergi daftar bilik for semester 2. Dengan tak mandinye , pergilah Dewan Makan 2 depan Gading 4 . haha. Alhamdulillah dapat bilik kat Gading 4B , but unfortunately :( , berpisah with my roommates yang sekarang ni! Ohmy , i choose level 3 sebab tak nak tinggi2 sangat. Huhuu , while Weena and Ellis level 5 , but different room. Sedihnye . *macam la tak jumpe lagi,hee* .
We all dapat tinggal kat 1 bilik ade 2 orang je. So , dapatlah dengan sorang senior account ni. tapi tak kenal . hope she's okay . Amin. Urm , same goes to Weena , dapat bilik dengan senior . But , Ellis dapat bilik dengan student Sem 1 juga , and kenal sangat2 dengan die. hehe :D
Hurm , Waaaa !! tinggal lagi seminggu je nak tinggal kan bilik Level 5 ni :( . After that kat level 3 je. hmm. Banyak kenangan kat bilik ni. huhu * mcm drama pulak* haha. I'll be missing my roommates , Weena yang suka gelak,hee, Ellis yang suka buat lawak , yeahhh and Zeila yang diam2 ubi berisi. huuu. :(
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hello , monday -__-
Today , woke up late as usual. 9 am. Ate breakfast .Lepas tu sambung buat mock - up drawing for final assessment FND101 tomorrow. 2 paper lagi tinggal , VCL105 and VCL128 on Monday , 8.11 and Wednesday , 10.11 . Jyeaahhh. After that my twin sis and bro nak datang Kuching for 2 days. Yay! haha. 14.11 baru balik Kualalala Lumpur.. :P
* mok lunch apa tek hari tok ? :D
Today , woke up late as usual. 9 am. Ate breakfast .Lepas tu sambung buat mock - up drawing for final assessment FND101 tomorrow. 2 paper lagi tinggal , VCL105 and VCL128 on Monday , 8.11 and Wednesday , 10.11 . Jyeaahhh. After that my twin sis and bro nak datang Kuching for 2 days. Yay! haha. 14.11 baru balik Kualalala Lumpur.. :P
* mok lunch apa tek hari tok ? :D
NOVEMBER 011110 :)
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