Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lawatan ke Kampung Budaya Sarawak .

fitra .

kak wani .

saya :D

nana and ika JB ( dalam bas UiTM )

ika sabah and veron :)

moon and fitra.


Last month buat lawatan ke Kampung Budaya Sarawak. Part 2 - 5 ( fine art ) yang terlibat. First time pergi sana ! excited ! Sangat best ! especially persembahan diorang. Really enjoyed it ! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kek .

kek keju ( cheese cake ) buatan Kak Meeda ( my roommate ) . sangat sedap . tak payah guna tepung pun :)

ni kek cokelat , atas ada marshmallow . Akak Noreen bawa balik dari office dia. Sedap! :D

What's your hobby ?


today i would like to share about our hobbies. there's many kind of hobbies we can have. Like me , my favourite hobby is listening to music. There's many kind of different people with different hobbies , of course. Let see , the most famous hobbies that people like to do ..


collecting stamps..

reading books..

kinda' boring rite ? haha. But now , many of us ( teenagers and young adults ) likes to surfing the internet , playing video games , downloading , watching movies and even shopping . What about you ? Different people have their own taste. that's all , happy mid semester break :D

beret beanie hat.

love love love it !

Monday, July 18, 2011

painting class .

ni saya dan artwork :)
( candid ni , hee )

nana , dari Penang . ( dah mcm perkenalkan diri pula ) :D

Effa@Rin dari Sabah ( Dekan Sem 2 ) :D

Leon from Sabah yg suka dengar lagu sorang2 , haha .( with his own style ) ;D

we call her ika sabah because she's from Sabah . nanti confuse pula dengan ika lagi 2 orang tu ;p

ni diaaaa , Milah AF. hehe. she's also from Sabah .

Ika JB dari Johor Baharu , antara salah seorang ika dalam class :)

3 jejaka . haha. Apiz , Awie and Afif ( semua dari Sabah )

this is Veron@Cika@Cik Kak dari Sabah juga hehe. Her artwork paling bagus ! :)

my classmate . Love them ! :D

* if u all tengok , most of my classmate dari Sabah. 3 orang dari Sarawak and 5 orang dari semenanjung :)


Atas ni adalah classmate saya , AD1183A . time class painting last week 14th July 2011 hari Khamis. Our lecturer , Sir Am. Disebabkan dalam studio ramai orang & sangat panas , akhirnya sir suruh pergi luar , letak ketiga - tiga artwork ( oil pastel pointillism technique ) kat atas jalan raya. hehe. Dah macam assessment pula , macam nak jual pun ada. hehe. Alhamdulillah , semua berjalan dengan lancar . Our work membanggakan sir walaupun first time we all guna technique pointillism ni.

erah's bday :)

bday girl , erah .

erah's bday cake and the bday card from me :DD


last 2 weeks buat surprise bday erah , jiran bilik masa sem2 and also my friend , dia orang Mukah and student account. Surprise ni buat kat bilik je , tapi sangat happening malam tu. Erah dapat something funny from her friends and it is pink in colour. haha . Okay , that's all . Semoga panjang umur , murah rezeki ye wahai Erah Tommy ! hehe :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

so long ,

( this is my good friend bila ada kelas petang -__- )


Heloooo everyone ! dah lama tak update blog. hee. sekarang ni tengah mid semester break , so last friday , 15 July 2011 , balik KL walaupun cuti seminggu je. Tadi pun dah shopping baju raya. tahun ni tema jubah :) Walaupun cuti , assignments still kena buat, kena hantar . its okay , i still can enjoy my short holiday kat rumah :D