Lepas saje post new post , ateh ( my aunty ) datang bersama adam , aziz ( my cute lil' cousin ) . Pabila dengar engine kereta lain je, that means ateh datang. :D .Ateh ckp lamenye tak jumpe, tapi semalam baru je pegi swimming kat rumah ateh .she's joking only. Then the boys came to me and ask 'nak gune laptop!!boleh?' cepat je aziz tanye. ashal pun bgtau 'ok,lepas asha aziz ' ,he smile :) . Adam ask me for a pencil and paper. I gave him pen. main bagi jee. haha. After several minute , ateh nak gune laptop , ateh cakap ' dah seminggu ni ha tak buka facebook ' , then i said okaaaaaayyy. kesian aziz tak dapat gune dulu. :( tapi he then join adam lukis spongebob character kat living room bawah. i look after them. and snap beberapa gambar diorang tengah lukis .
Then , adam ask me ' asha , nak lukis Pretick mcm mane ? then i laugh like crazy. i told adam ' bukan Pretick la , Patrick ' haha. Adam pun bagi pen kat ashall ,then i draw the 'pretick' . huhu. best giler dapat lukis - lukis dengan cousin sambil tu dengar lagu kat MTV Hits. haha. Masa tengah dengar lagu Meet Me Halfway , Adam cepat2 bangun and dance. ntah ape-ape je adam menari. tapi kelakar la. haha. dah , lepas tu we all play sampai petang :D