darling :)
Salam. today , woke up at 6.15 am , solat and ate a piece of bread and nescafe' for my breakfast , then i started online that dawn.
Actually , hari ni , my bff , amrita , ajak keluar pergi TS ( time square ) main bowling . Dia nak jumpe at 2 p.m . I asked her yesterday , 'sape lagi yang nak pergi' , then she reply ' tak tau la mereka , tak confirm lagi , if mereka tak boleh pergi , we both have fun together' ceceyyyy ;)
So , at 11 mandi and 12 pm my brother hantar dekat TS and 1.30 pm met amrita. We lepak at Krispy Kreme and online , i brought my laptop :)
We took pictures and laughed,laughed,laughed !!! After that jalan2 and i saw this one patung ' biji - biji ' , so cute one!! i bought one for myself :)
Now, amrita study at Methodist College , Brickfields ( Diploma in Early Childhood Education ) . Good luck friend!! ;)
We went back home at 5. Sis nora picked me up . So tired one today! and mase on the way nak balik , i met yogeswary and zakiya. but , hey , i had lots of fun with one of my BFF ;)
Salam. today , woke up at 6.15 am , solat and ate a piece of bread and nescafe' for my breakfast , then i started online that dawn.
Actually , hari ni , my bff , amrita , ajak keluar pergi TS ( time square ) main bowling . Dia nak jumpe at 2 p.m . I asked her yesterday , 'sape lagi yang nak pergi' , then she reply ' tak tau la mereka , tak confirm lagi , if mereka tak boleh pergi , we both have fun together' ceceyyyy ;)
So , at 11 mandi and 12 pm my brother hantar dekat TS and 1.30 pm met amrita. We lepak at Krispy Kreme and online , i brought my laptop :)
We took pictures and laughed,laughed,laughed !!! After that jalan2 and i saw this one patung ' biji - biji ' , so cute one!! i bought one for myself :)
Now, amrita study at Methodist College , Brickfields ( Diploma in Early Childhood Education ) . Good luck friend!! ;)
We went back home at 5. Sis nora picked me up . So tired one today! and mase on the way nak balik , i met yogeswary and zakiya. but , hey , i had lots of fun with one of my BFF ;)
: WEBBIE :) :