remember her ?
she's my ex-roommate , Ellis Arshad :)
we went for lunch at
SCR last two weeks .
but unfortunately , Weena ( my other ex-roommate ) can't join us that time :(

meet Zarifah Marni .
infront Studio Fine Art ,
drawing class , Perspective :)

Ekin ( best eaaaahhh ) hehe :D

Mas and Ilah .
Bakery Block K , after CTU class :)

from left : Leon , Fadzli , Milah , Veron , Mun , Tika and Effa .
Studio Fine Art , Sculpture Presentation :)

from left : effa , fitra and mas .
going to
CTU class :)
Mas and Fitra .at Desa Ilmu , with their
red nails . hehe .
p/s : Kamek
sayang kitak semua :)