Last friday , on the 4th March 2011 to 6th March 2011 , FIASO ( Fine Art Society ) Art Camp at Pantai Permai , Santubong , Kuching , Sarawak. BEST gilakkkkk !! :D :D . Hari pertama memang semua tak kena , especially the toilet and the camp ! On the 1st day set up camp and ceramah at the ' Jungle Hall ' .
The next day , ada water colour challenge dekat tepi pantai and continue with next activity which i like the most , Sand Sculpture ! love it!! We had given 1 hour only to complete the sculpture. Walaupun panas terik sampai SUNBURN sekarang , tapi best tak terkata. hahaha :P
That night ada Malam Kebudayaan , my group , TEAM BLUE buat Drama Musical . Every group buat the best ! huhu . After that , sesi salam and minta maaf dekat lecturer and thank all of them ! :)
On the last day , pagi - pagi dah kena bangun and siap for jungle tracking from 8 to 11 a.m and after that dapat mandi laut !!!! hehehe . The best team activity for me is the Sukan Neka :D
So , this is my first camp at Uitm . Hope ada lagi activity macam ni , except for the toilet part. haha :D