Belakang sekali tu Fasihah , we call her Chea , studying at Uitm Kelantan in Business MGT . In the middle tu Fara , dia time sekolah x sama class dgn kitorang . Dia class pure science , kitorang account . heeee . Fara baru habis Matrix , september ni dia nak pergi Mesir . Jauhnyeee awak pergi :( 5 years pulak tu . Ape2 pun , jgn lupe kitorang ye :D . And then , depan skali tu , Radzilah . Rad sekarang dekat Poli Shah Alam in Marketing , kecil2 je orang nya . hehe ;D

this is my classmates time form5 . The 5 Cekal's . hehe. Ohh , in the middle tu Aryy , sekarang tengah study dkt Uitm Melaka in Office MGT .

this is Ain and Luqman . they're Rad's coursemate dkt poli :)

ni time baru sampai .

hehe. iam a little bit jakun sbb last pegi pavi last year. haha.

ni Fara jumpe kat kedai Jam rasanya . Ape lagi , sini pun boleh ;P
Hye awak - awak . haha. Hey , ermm , yesterday , me and my ex schoolmates , Chea , Rad and Fara went to Pavi with Rad's coursemate , Ain and Luqman . Haaaaa , best sangat semalam ! At 2 pm tgk movie cite nurkasih , after that went to Sg.Wng for our lunch at Nando's and straight away to Lowyat , teman Chea beli Hard Disk dia. Arry pun ada jugak time tu .That time pulak hujan , so kena redah nak pegi Time Square . It's okay , all of us dah biasa. haha. Lepas ni bile pulak nak jumpe dah , semua dah start class . Anyway , thanks guys ! :) :)