pheww. you know what? post semalam tu took me about 3 hours to finish it.haha.tak lah, sebab pilih gambar yang berkenaan je :) for today, i would like to share my holiday with parents and twin sis. Abe wan tak join kali ni. Bandung is the place. for the 2nd time. untuk mengusahakan something special next year.hee. wait and see guys :D
the date that i went there the day after i came back from Bali. sampai KL 4th Dec..then tomorrow at 4 in the morning straight to Bandung. wow, macam busy benor. *konon la kan :P Then, arrived at Husein Sastranegara Airport at 9 am...terus pergi Pasar Baru for our mission.hihi. sangat letih and mengantuk time tu. pening kepala semua ada. haih, nasib baik bukan jungle tracking.hehehe.
sweet couple.hehehe :D |
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pictures originally from twin sis camera : canon eos 60D |
we had our late lunch at mcD. tu je yang dekat dengan hotel.haha *alasan. Alhamdulillah, lepas tu pergi Jalan Dago kejap,cuci mata terus balik hotel lepas tu. Ohh ye, we stayed at Ibis Trans Studio Hotel at Gatot Subroto 83,Bandung. Hotel dia macam tunes tapi besar sikit. Best lah juga + ada wifi.yay! tiap hari update instagram bagai.haha :P
instagram pictures |
instagram pictures |
on the 2nd day , we went to Tangkuban Perahu,Kampung Daun and Rumah Moda.That night went to the mall,sebelah hotel tu je and dinner, went to the supermarket macam cold storage, bought some food and snacks.hee. I had a great time with them :)
3rd the trans studio.hehe. belakang hotel tu juga. Biasa jelah, macam dekat genting tapi rides dia ada lebih sikit. paling kelakar me and akak noreen dah duduk dekat tempat roller coaster tu then nak keluar. serious takut. boleh ada reverse bagai Yamaha Rides nihhh! memang tak lah kan. haha. tapi memang lawak, semua yang tengah beratur tu pandang. ahhh, pandang lah kan, ntah diorang pun tengah berdebor - debor.hehe. last-last akak nora sorang je yang naik ride tu.heehee. She's so brave bila bab roller coaster rides ni.hehe.
Trans Studio Bandung... |
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excited faces of kakak ;p |
this is what i'm talking about ! nampak tak yang tinggi tu? naik lepas tu reverse kebelakang? takut tak? tak? speed sangat maximum ! ohhh, ada yang takut juga. ahhhh! *pengsan ;p |
4th the museum geologi..dah tak tau nak pergi mana, siap google 1 malam tempat yang best nak pergi dekat bandung lah sangat kan muzium.hehee -__- tapi memang best, teringat zaman sekolah dulu...
lepas tu beli sikit souvenir dekat souvenir shop museum tu. dah memborong..pergi balik pasar baru and bought something for the something special next year.hee.
5th day..yay! balik rumah..walaupun flight delay 2 jam setengah -___- tapi hati tetap sabar untuk pulang ke tanah air..MALAYSIA. *wah ayat.. last, i'm finally home after 13 days in Indonesia...and back to reality..yeahh...of course... :)