Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mama's Birthday Celebration


First of all, I would like to wish....

HAPPY 51st BIRTHDAY to MAMA! May Allah S.W.T bless you and always in good health. LOVE YOU SO MUCH MA! :') 

As usual, papa semangat nak celebrate birthday mama! hee.Sweet! So , he decided nak buat dekat PD. BBQ, Karaoke dekat sana! and I'm so HAPPY cause dapat mandi laut setelah berapa lama tak mandi dalam laut! WEEEE! excited gila! haha -__- 

Mama sangat HAPPY with her birthday surprises and birthday present. Hihihi. I also tumpang excited jugak MA! hee. That Friday night buat BBQ and the next day pula karaoke dekat Corus Hotel. You know what, papa buat karaoke competition pula malam tu. HAHA! Apelagi kan, seramai 11 orang family members yang join. PAPA and MAMA jadi judges. Heee. Ni lah pemenang karaoke malam tu. hehe :D  Tahniah ! 

Esok nya dah balik KL. tp rasa sangat puas dapat mandi laut , bbq and karaoke with the whole family and relatives. InsyaAllah one day, semua dapat datang and holiday sama2 :) 

Berbalik pada minggu ni pula, I'm quite nervous esok ada appointment dekat klinik gigi. ergh. insyaAllah, everything's going to be OK. memang lah sakit kan. sampai tengok dekat YouTube u alls sebab nak hilangkan nervousness ni. ( sambil dengar lagu Jaclyn Victor : sebelah jiwaku ) hehe :D Takpe2, sabar dan terus bersabar plus , this week my classmates , Mun,Milah,Ika and Rin from Sabah nak datang rumah and stay sampai nak pergi Bali next week! HAAAA! so excited nak bawa diorang jalan2 okay! can't wait to meet them ! 

sampai di sini sahaja untuk harini, Salam :)

belum apa - apa lagi dah I love Bali bagaiii. haha. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My 5 MONTHS Holiday ( I )

Assalamualaikum. Minggu lepas ikut Mama pergi A Famosa Resort sebab ada meeting dekat sana ( sibuk je nak ikut ) hehe. Yelah, kalau duduk rumah boring, baik ikut kan. Boleh ambil gambar , makan free and so on.haha! Emm, this Friday birthday MAMA ! so, many surprises  for her nanti. Papa excited sangat nak buat birthday mama sampai dekat PD. so , ikut jelah kan. Once again , dekat rumah nak buat apa!! haha.kalau ada part time job tak pelah juga kan. 

These are few photos that i captured in front of the Cowboy Town ( A Famosa Resort ) 
Love the lighting !

About result hari tu, hmm. Syukur Alhamdulillah dengan apa yang dah dihasilkan. Thanks to all lecturers and friends. Although I had applied Degree in Publishing , I will not forget the beauty and how proud to be Art & Design student. Insya Allah , for the new course I had applied will fulfill my dream for future. Amin~

Also, I'm so excited my friends are coming to my house next week and stayed there until we all go to BALI ! weeeeeee!! I'm soooooooooo HAPPY ! can't wait to meet em' . Haaaa..what a blessing month of November & December. Go Holiday with family, friends and lecturers. Yay! Hopefully everything going smoothly and Insya Allah everything is going to be fine. Amin :) 

Friday, November 2, 2012

End of Semester 5 !

Ika's wax ( sculpture )
ada lebih so we all buat mcm candle light. hee :D

Assalamualaikum. I'm soooo HAPPY ! sebab dah habis semester 5 , diploma. Berdoa dapat result yang memuaskan. insyaAllah. NOW ? baru je sampai rumah selasa hari tu. Rehat - rehat dulu.. hmm, tak tau la nak buat apa cuti 5 bulan ni -___-  Selain menghabiskan masa online, makan, baca buku dan tidur, I want something else! Part time job , maybe? Need some working experience here...tengok lah macam mana dulu... and tak sabar nak tunggu 27 November - 4 December ni.hehehe. TRIP TO BALI with UiTM Sarawak Rector , lecturers and my classmates. 

After 4 December , will go to Bandung for the 2nd time with papa,mama and my twin sis on 5th December, sehari selepas balik dari Bali tu. Wooow! macam mana lah kan rasanya nanti. Gue happy banget & of course kecapekan  ! :D